Abandoned carts
According to Baymard Institute, 69.57% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Think about that for a minute. That means that for every 100 potential customers, 70 of them will leave without purchasing. Lots of factors play a role in cart abandonment, so
it’s safe to say that the vast majority of people adding items to their online cart won’t complete a purchase.
it’s safe to say that the vast majority of people adding items to their online cart won’t complete a purchase.

Direct to consumers
E-commerce gives niche brands, newcomers and startups the opportunity to level the playing field. Even before the pandemic, many new brands launched exclusively online with little need to enhance their offering with a brick and mortar option. And brands, that historically relied on traditional retail, were also seen to be making moves into digital with a Direct to Consumer channel.

When Covid-19 first shut down shops in 2020, it hastened trends that were already overhauling the retail industry across the globe. Few were prepared for the dramatic switch to E-commerce and even brands with a well established online presence struggled to provide consumers with the VIP experience they were used
to in-store.
to in-store.

Social commerce was one of the biggest trends in social media in 2021. All of the major social platforms have placed commerce front and center of their business strategies, introducing new features that are aimed at convincing consumers to go from inspiration to purchase with a single click of a button or a tap on a mobile screen.

Direct to consumers
E-commerce gives niche brands, newcomers and startups the opportunity to level the playing field. Even before the pandemic, many new brands launched exclusively online with little need to enhance their offering with a brick and mortar option. And brands, that historically relied on traditional retail, were also
seen to be making moves into
digital with a Direct to
Consumer channel.
seen to be making moves into
digital with a Direct to
Consumer channel.